Our First Baby

Monday, July 24, 2006

Thirty Weeks!!!

I really can't quite believe it - where has the time gone? I am counting on 40 weeks of pregnancy then some eejit goes and tells me that his wife had their baby at 32 weeks. Well, I am sorry - but that just cannot happen to me. Although big thanks to Gillian and Catriona for their clothes contribution - the baby will certainly not be short of costume changes. Still to order pram and cot though and there is that wee matter of moving house.

Other news for those of you who havent heard - ITS A GIRL!!! Or so we hope - if not then he will be a wee boy well in touch with his feminine side - wearing t-shirts that say Little Princess should do that.

Yep we found out at our 3D scan. That was an amazing experience, and one that we were really happy to share with both sets of grandparents. Seeing her wee face was extraordinary. And she looks just like Nev!! Pretty girl! So as long as things stay on track and she has my brains and sense of humour, we are onto a winner!!!! :)

Will be packing my hospital bag in the next couple of weeks (again thanks to Cat for maternity pad donation), planning soundtrack and movies to take, and trying to move this wee pudding around to the correct position. She is currently in the most opposite of perfect positions - posterior breech. But hoping she shifts naturally before D Day.

BTW - bigs congrats to Aurelie and AD and welcome to the world to Thomas - well done Aurelie, he's a little beauty. Also was wonderfult to see matt adn Yo on their recent visit home - hope the morning sickness abates soon, honey!

Right off to eat something - anything - hmmmm, that desk looks mightly tasty!


Monday, June 26, 2006

What's it gonna be??

Sorry I haven't updated this blog for a bit, we have been pretty busy. Selling our flat and buying a house in the countwy!!! Nowt like doing all of life's most stressful things at once, now is there?

The baby has been wriggling away like a goodun. It tends to be particularly active after I eat chocolate which is of course not very often (ahem...), or indeed any other food (which is actually quite often - say every couple of hours!). Mark saw it move from across the room one night but of course as soon as he put his hand on my tummy it stopped. Maybe it thinks it is a gasme like Musical Statues or something?

We have been putting together various lists in order to pretend that we are organised. A constantly revised name list is on the blackboard in the kitchen. So every time I am in there, I am wiping off the ones that Mark suggests and vice versa! We also have list of things to get for the baby, a list for the hosptal bag etc. We did have a list of contenders for the pram, but have at last decided on one - the BeBe Confort Loola. Will be ordering that online very soon.

This Saturday we will see the baby again. We have heard its fast little heart beat at every midwife visit, but cant wait to see the wee face on the 3D scan. Not to mention the wee fingers and toes and perhaps the wee willy, or not!!! Mum and dad are coming over for it specially.

So thats all for now chickens, will try and keep upt ot date but sure you know how it is,



Congrats due to Matt and Yo who are expectng their own bundle of trouble in Feb, AD and Aurelie, expecting immently tho due on 8th July, and Katharine and Jimmy who had Samuel Brough in June.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Swollen tootsies

So its my first proper pregnancy symptom - swollen feet. It has been exacerbated by the weird heat wave we have been having, so I have been using all the pillows at night to elevate my feet. They are better today since it has been cooler. I have also been feeling the baby move pretty much every day. it is a very slight fluttering feeling in my tummy, very different to anything else like wind or cramps. It is alot nicer than i thought it would be - I thought it would feel like an alien, but it actually feels very nice and natural.

I also got my P60 tax form to day that told me how much tax I paid over the last year. I am now determined to have as many drugs etc as I can when in the auld labour ward to make up for it.

Also, we have had to cancel our holiday. After working out how much (make that little) i get paid whilst on maternity leave, even though it is supposedly more that SMP, we are going to have to save the money rather than spend it on a lovely week in france. Plus we need to get a move on with moving! (Pull your finger out Nev!!!)

The name saga continues. We have a blackboard in the kitchen where we have each been writing names we like. Nevs are all AWFUL. I am not sure we are going to agree on this at all. But really, as it will probably have his surname I should decide on the first name. It only fair after all!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Make mine wee but healthy!!!

Congratualtions to Cat and David who had Ovie on Sat!!! 10lb 1oz.......jesus!!!!!! I was about 7lbs 6 and Nev was a massive 9lbs 5ozs or so. So if we split the difference that will be....em...ummm....about 8lbs 5?? I suppose as long as it is healthy that is the main thing. I have my next midwife appointment for the 17th May when I will be coming up to 20 weeks and half way there. We are hoping to hear the babys heart beat at that appointment. Although i remain unconvinced that it will be heard above my constantly growling tummy.

We are also booking a holiday in France just after Niamhs christening on the 3rd June. it will be our last holiday just the two of us, for a while anyway.... Mind you we hardly ever go on holiday together anyway!! Weird, I know, but it works!

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

16 weeks and 3 days

It seems like only yesterday we did our first home test and saw that little red line pop up - and read and re-read the instructions to make sure we understood what that really meant.... we are having a baby. It has been an amazing experience so far. The reactions of our friends and family have been overwhelming, and the scan was the most moving and beautiful experiencs of my life, so far!

So its 16 weeks in and my bump is slowly starting to make an appearence. Although it is kind of hard to tell under the existing tum! I havent had any cravings, I am just hungry all the time, but am trying to eat healthily as much as possible.

I did get the results of my blood test today and it is all as good as it can be. Its a pain that they cant be more definitive, but every reassurance helps. So the next step is another visit to the midwife at 20 weeks when we should hear the baby's heartbeat.