Our First Baby

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

16 weeks and 3 days

It seems like only yesterday we did our first home test and saw that little red line pop up - and read and re-read the instructions to make sure we understood what that really meant.... we are having a baby. It has been an amazing experience so far. The reactions of our friends and family have been overwhelming, and the scan was the most moving and beautiful experiencs of my life, so far!

So its 16 weeks in and my bump is slowly starting to make an appearence. Although it is kind of hard to tell under the existing tum! I havent had any cravings, I am just hungry all the time, but am trying to eat healthily as much as possible.

I did get the results of my blood test today and it is all as good as it can be. Its a pain that they cant be more definitive, but every reassurance helps. So the next step is another visit to the midwife at 20 weeks when we should hear the baby's heartbeat.